Your Hosts
The Imperial Dam Hosts are responsible for insuring you have a great stay at the Imperial Dam LTVA. There are also a number of BLM approved volunteers. In addition to insuring you have a great stay, they are also responsible to make sure all guests follow the rules and pay any fees due. While the Hosts’ quarters are shown on our map, they do have times when they are not available, and are shown should there be an emergency. The best way to get help with your questions or to pay your fees, is to go to the Administration Office that is manned seven days a week.
Administration Office
In general, you will want to visit the Administration Office when you have questions or need to pay for fees or get permits. The Host is available here during normal business hours when not inspecting the campground or performing other duties. There is generally someone, a BLM approved volunteer at the office who can answer most of your questions and collect fees or issue permits.