Potable Water

With eight water stations separated by 3 foot high walls there is generally little wait to fill up with water. All faucets are standard, meaning you can attach your hose without first having to get a college degree, (which would be a welcomed change at the Northern LTVAs). If you’re like most visitors, you will be making a run to get water and dump your garbage and sewer. The recommended route, enforced by imposed traffic patterns, is to first dump your sewer, get water and then throw out the garbage. Then you’re homeward bound.
Longtimers Tips
You will notice many of the long-timers don’t bring their RVs to get water. Many have a small trailer that they tow in a variety of ways. This allows them to not have to move their RVs very often. Remember, in addition to getting your RV level, many have TV antennas, solar panels and CB antennas. So, if your considering a long-term stay, you might look into some water tanks and/or a trailer and “grinder” or sewer “tote”.